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Metadata: how we relate to images


Metadata: how we relate to images

The Lethaby Gallery, Central Saint Martins, Granary Square, London

10 January 2018 – 3 February 2018

Disentangled N°1, 2017 Nora Al-Badri and Nikolai Nelles, Ditone print, Courtesy: Nora Al-Badri, Nikolai Nelles | NOME Gallery Berlin

An exhibition curated by the International Research Project “Bilderfahrzeuge. Aby Warburg’s Legacy and the Future of Iconology’ and presented in cooperation with Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London.

This exhibition arises out of a longstanding collaboration between artists and academics from Central Saint Martins and the Research Project Bilderfahrzeuge. It focuses on the role of metadata – data that provides information about other data – in art and art history. The show includes work by established and emerging artists, loans by the British Museum, NOME Gallery (Berlin), Herald Street Gallery (London) and private collections. They will stand alongside an imaginative reinvestigation of CSM’s own Museum and Study Collection, comprised of teaching objects relevant to the many arts disciplines taught at CSM as well as work by former students.

For all enquiries related to the exhibition, please contact:


The exhibition is accompanied by a series of panel discussions and a workshop in which curators, artists and academics will discuss some of the overarching themes of Metadata: how we relate to images.

Panel discussion:

Technologies of Recording

Thursday 11th January 2018, 5pm in the Lethaby Gallery.                                                Free. Limited places, please arrive early.

Metadata is stored in different media through various technologies of recording. These have, however, changed radically over the last century, from casting and photography to scanning and 3D printing. What does this development mean and how does it affect the working practices of both artists and researchers?

Panel discussion:

Methodologies of Description

Thursday 18th January 2018, 5pm in the Lethaby Gallery.                                               Free. Limited places, please arrive early.

How is data affected by the categories that are created to structure it? What agency does, for example, a catalogue have? And how do acts of systematization of information determine perceptions of reality? These questions will be addressed by scholars and museum professionals working on encyclopaedism, histories of knowledge and the curation of objects.

Panel discussion:

Practices of Production

Thursday 25th January 2018, 5pm in the Lethaby Gallery.                                             Free. Limited places, please arrive early.

The acts of copying, commenting and reproducing have always been central to artistic practice. It has long been established that there is ‘nothing original under the sun’: metadata and its manipulation is at the core of how we relate to images and how images relate to us. But what does that mean in the everyday practice of artistic production? This panel discussion will bring together a selection of artists and curators to think about how these issues inform their work today.

Panel discussion:

Policies of Ownership

Saturday 3rd February 2018, 2pm in the Lethaby Gallery.                                              Free. Limited places, please arrive early.

The rapid expansion and proliferation of digital technologies have led to a vast increase in the amount of data being recorded, stored and broadcast. Inevitably, control and ownership of this data – and its metadata – has become a much-debated topic in political and economic, but also cultural arenas, raising questions concerning the status of cultural goods and museum collections. This workshop brings together artists commenting on these issues in their practice as well as museum professionals whose collections are the object of these discussions.


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Stuart Moss (4. Dezember 2017). Metadata: how we relate to images. Bilderfahrzeuge. Abgerufen am 16. September 2024 von

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